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Collaborative Work

Design and Research

Qutb Shahi Interpretation Center, Hyderabad
Passive Downdraft Evaporative Cooling Potential and Thermal Performance for an Interpretation Center


The Qutb Shahi Interpretation Center, a design proposal by Ashok Lall Architects for a competition organized by the Aga Khan Foundation, is located near the entrance plaza as outlined in the Master Plan of the Qutb Shahi Complex. 

Analytical work was conducted to assess the cooling potential of the PDEC system (Direct Evaporative Cooling). This system utilizes high pressure micronizers to cool the air by exploiting the wet bulb depression during a specific time period. The objective is to achieve a comfortable inlet temperature within the space, maintaining operative temperatures within the ASHRAE Adaptive Comfort range.

Breaking the Glass Box
"Strategies to reduce the Energy Consumption in 24/7 IT Offices in Delhi NCR"


The research focuses on the trends observed in 24/7 occupied IT offices in the Northern region of India. The growth of the IT Industry in India has led to the adoption of international trends in office space construction. This includes the construction of glass-box structures with deep plans and high glazing ratios, often coupled with aluminum composite panels. However, these designs often overlook environmental and occupant needs, resulting in buildings heavily reliant on air conditioning systems and significant energy consumption.

Fieldwork and surveys were conducted to analyze the prevailing building typology trends. These findings provide valuable insights into the factors contributing to high energy demands and the spatial relationships within these office spaces. The aim is to utilize this analysis as a foundation for potential design solutions for IT offices under construction in the Delhi NCR region. Understanding these factors can lead to more energy-efficient and occupant-friendly designs.

Peckham Square, London

The brief of the mixed-use development for the site of Eagle Wharf in Peckham was a challenging one. The site is located in Peckham, which is in the Borough of Southwark. Southwark is an important commercial and cultural center to the south of the river. The site is very much part of the urban grain of Peckham and in the heart of the cultural and civic zone, given its proximity to Peckham Library and Peckham Square. A study of the site and its surroundings and intensive research on the area, current proposals, and future vision gave direction to the program and the design. 

IRRAD, Gurugram
Performance of the radiant cooling system in the building and Design for flexible internal spaces.


The research emphasizes the thermal performance evaluation of the radiant cooling system implemented in the IRRAD building situated in Gurgaon, designed by Ashok Lall Architects. The case study sheds light on the effectiveness of combining radiant cooling from the ceiling slab with desiccated fresh air input near the floor level within the building. This combination is observed to provide a high level of satisfaction in terms of thermal comfort and optimal fresh air ventilation within the office space.

Walter's Way, London


The project entails an analytical case study that compares two self-built iconic houses located at Walter's Way. The research focuses on examining the design and indoor environmental qualities of these case studies. Through analytical methods and fieldwork studies, the aim is to identify appropriate retro-fitting strategies tailored to each respective house.

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